A Zest For Travel (“Company” or “we” or “us” or “our”) takes privacy seriously and respect the privacy of our users (“user” or “you”).
This privacy policy outlines what personal information we collect through azestfortravel.com and how we use it. By using or accessing our website, you are accepting the practices described in the privacy policy.
A Zest For Travel collects non-personally-identifying information which may include, but is not limited to, IP addresses, browser type, language preference and date/time of visit. This anonymous information may be used to analyze this website’s traffic. Information from your browser’s cookies may be used to improve your experience on our website, including but not limited to any advertising shown to you while visiting the site.
Any personally identifiable information collected is only done when knowingly and voluntarily provided by the individual user, such as by signing up for emails or downloads on this website, emailing us directly or logging in with social network credentials. We may use your name and email address to send you notifications regarding our website and services based on your explicit consent. Any personal information collected will be used only for the specified purposes for which you provided consent. You may contact us at Joannda at A Zest For Travel dot com to modify or delete your information at any time, and to opt out of such emails.
Third parties such as Google and Twitter can track your personally identifiable information through azestfortravel.com since their social media services are used. You can opt out of Google’s cookie usage by visiting this link or find out more information about it here.
A Zest For Travel will disclose personally-identifying information if required by law or to protect rights. We take all reasonable precautions to avoid the loss, theft, alteration or misuse of your data.
A Zest For Travel contains links to other websites, which are governed by their own privacy policy and further terms of use. You should read the privacy statements for each website you visit in order to familiarise yourself with what information might be collected and how it might be used. A Zest For Travel is not responsible for other websites.
This Privacy Policy may be changed and updated periodically, at the company’s sole discretion. Any and all changes will be reflected on this page. If you continue to use our website after any such changes go into effect, you consent to the revised policy. A Zest For Travel encourages its users to review the Privacy Policy regularly to keep abreast of any changes.