Tips For First Time Visitors to Malaysia

33 Things To Know About Malaysia Before You Go

It always amazes me that although I’d like to think I’m a pretty seasoned traveller with experience in countries all over the world, no matter where I go, there are always some things that take me completely by surprise. Since … Read more

Best Street Art in Ipoh Malaysia Pin

Ipoh Street Art & Walking Trail – Malaysia

When we started our research on what to do around Malaysia, Ipoh was a name that came up a couple of times as a “smaller version of Georgetown”. As we were headed to the Cameron Highlands before moving on to … Read more

MacRitchie Reservoir Park and Treetop Walk Singapore

MacRitchie Reservoir Park and Treetop Walk

Last Updated 5 July 2020 There is no question that there is a lot to see and do in Singapore! We fell in love with this amazing city during our week long visit, and could easily have spent even longer. While … Read more

Things You Should Know When Planning A Trip To Singapore

Things You Should Know Before Visiting Singapore

Singapore has been on my list of places to visit for a long time. I’ve transferred through Singapore’s Changi Airport more times than I can count but never had the opportunity (or, admittedly, made the time) to venture into Singapore … Read more

Travel Luxuries Travel Linkup

Travel Luxuries

This is my first month writing as part of Travel Linkup. For the first week of each month, any blogger can participate and write about the chosen topic. It’s a great initiative from some amazing bloggers and a fun way to … Read more

How To Spend 5 Hours At Singapore Changi Airport

How To Spend 5 Hours at Singapore Changi Airport

Last Updated 19 January 2020 Having a long layover in any airport isn’t anyone’s idea of a fun time… But some airports are definitely better than others and spending 5 hours at Changi Airport will go surprisingly quickly as there … Read more